Hardware required for network connection:

CIU 902 + CIM 500
Product number CIU 902: 97644690
Product number CIM 500: 98301408

The CIU 502 communication interface enables cable-based data transfer between SCADA systems and pump stations that are equipped with Grundfos AUTOADAPT wastewater pumps. The data is transferred via the Modbus TCP fieldbus protocol. 
The interface offers easy integration into both new and existing systems, as the Modbus TCP protocol is supported by several control and automation systems.
With a rotary switch, you can also change the protocol, e.g. to Profinet IO.
An integrated webserver allows the Ethernet parameters to be set easily.

The CIU 902 is an external module with multi-purpose IO module for integrating the CIM, for wall or top hat rail assembly. It enables data transfer between the Grundfos GO remote  and a Grundfos pumping station with AUTOADAPT wastewater pumps. These are equipped with an integrated 24 - 240 V AC/DC power supply unit.

Learn more about the CIU in the Grundfos Product Center

Learn more about the CIM in the Grundfos Product Center

Basic information on Grundfos Gateways for Modbus TCP networks

Quick Guide for the CIM/CIU

Common error code for all Grundfos products

The PC-Tool Water Utility is intended for system integrators and Grundfos service personnel. It can be used for both on-site service and off-site preparatory, inspection and management works.

PC Tool Water Utility

The PC Tool CIM/CIU is intended for system integrators and Grundfos service personnel. It shows the data content (functional profile) of a Grundfos product, which is connected to your PC via a CIM, CIU or softCIM.


The CIM 500 firmware can be updated via the integrated webserver.

Current CIM 500 firmware

With the "Grundfos GO Remote" app, you can use your smartphone or tablet to parameterise Grundfos pumps and controllers, save settings and create commissioning logs.
The app can be connected to the device via Bluetooth if it is supported or via a Grundfos MI 301 (98046408). The free smartphone app is available for download in the app stores below:

Modbus TCP

AUTOADAPT wastewater pump